LAUNCH 2024!
This year's Launch event will take place on Nov. 6th, 2024. This full-day, virtual post-secondary exploration opportunity is intended for students in Grades 10-12 and will showcase a variety of post-secondary pathways and options available to students. It will feature workshops and exhibitors from colleges, universities, training delivery agents,employers, gap-year programs, and service providers to help introduce students to the world of possibilities beyond high school. The tentative Launch 2024 program continues to be updated daily as more presenters and exhibitors are added.
Student Participation in Launch 2024
Schools are encouraged to promote Grade 10-12 student participation. Students and staff can register for the event by clicking on the Register Now button on the Launch2024 landing page. This event is considered a board-wide field trip. Participating Grade 10-12 students are asked to be excused from class.
Participation Options for Launch 2024
Recognizing both physical space and technological constraints, there are options for
student and staff participation:
● Students may (with parent permission - see information below regarding permission forms) engage at home to reduce the network
traffic in schools. This is the preferred option.
● Full class participation in one session within the classroom space;
● Groups (small in number, e.g. 3-4) on one device;
● Individual choice with Chromebook or personal device in a supervised area at
school such as the Student Success room (room 200), Resource (room 239) or the Library
- if you select this option, you should bring your own headphones and tech device because the school might not have enough to supply every student who wants one.
Virtual Field Trip Permission Form for Launch 2024
This event is considered a board-wide, sanctioned field trip for Grade 10-12
students. Therefore, in order to participate in this event students must complete and submit a field trip permission form. There is a paper option and a Laserfiche option:
1. Paper Form
For students who prefer to receive a hard copy of the field trip form, these forms will be available for you to pick up in Student Services from Ms. O'Donnell. You must return these forms to Student Services by Tuesday, Nov. 5th after they've been signed.
Please speak with your Guidance Counsellor if you have any questions.