To make a guidance appointment with your counselor, please click below:
For Last Names A – I Mr Kirby
For Last Names J - Z Mr. Wolfe
Guidance Technician - Mrs. O'Donnell (Students investigating career paths, applications to College & University and Community Service Hours.)
To contact Mr. Kirby please email him at
To contact Mr. Wolfe, please email him at
If you are a CW Graduate and would like to order a transcript, please fill in this attached form. To pay for your new transcript, please click the following link to pay for it online. Pay for transcripts
Selecting Courses for 2025/26
It's nearly that time of year again: time for students to select their courses for next school year. Mr. Kirby and Mr. Wolfe will be conducting virtual course
Grade 9 and 10 students:- Tuesday, Feb. 4th, 2025 from 6:30pm to 7:45pm- Google Meet recording: Click here to View this presentation
Grade 11 students:- Thursday, Feb. 6th from 6:30pm to 7:45pm- Google Meet recording: Click here to view this presentation
These presentations will be recorded and posted on our school website for students and guardians to refer to for support with the course selection process.
You can start selecting your courses for next year in Xello on Feb. 10th, 2025. The deadline to submit your course selections in Xello is Feb. 28th, 2025.
Students should make an appointment with their Guidance Counsellor if they have questions about selecting their courses
Please click on this link to view a list of courses CW will be offering for next year.
All students applying to Ontario Colleges will be doing the whole process online through OCAS (Ontario College Application Service).
The deadline for application is February 1, 2025 for equal consideration. Since the website gets extremely busy in the new year, the recommended deadline is January 17, 2025.
Please Note:
1) The cost to apply to 5 program choices is $150.00. Up to 3 program choices can be made at one college.
2) To apply you will need your Ontario Education Number (OEN) from Student Services (also is on your Status Sheet and Report Card).
3) The easiest and recommended method of payment is credit card.
4) All academic information (courses, marks) will be sent automatically to Ontario Colleges by our school.
5) For out of province colleges, the student must apply directly to the college. Check the college's website for application information and deadlines.
6) Please ensure that you have the appropriate high school prerequisite courses for your program choices before applying.
All students applying to Ontario Universities will be doing the whole process on-line through OUAC (Ontario Universities Application Centre).
Website :
The OUAC deadline for applications is JANUARY 15, 2025 for equal consideration.
You've applied to University NOW WHAT? click to view this information just posted from OUAC.
Special Notes on Applications:
1) The cost for 3 program choices is $156.00. Each additional choice is $50.00. Once you have submitted your application to make a change of program to another school you will pay an additional $50.00. If changing programs within the same school there is no extra fee.
2) All academic information (courses, marks) will be forwarded automatically to OUAC by CW.
3) Please ensure that you have the appropriate prerequisite courses for your program choices.
How to research University programs in Ontario?- Click on this Link for all current information.
Mandatory eLearning Graduation Requirement and Opt-out Information
Beginning with the cohort of students who entered Grade 9 in 2020-21 (current Grade 10 students), all students must earn a minimum of two e-learning credits in order to graduate with an OSSD. Students in certificate pathways are exempted from this requirement. Students who were in Grade 9 in 2020-21 will receive one e-learning credit in recognition of their pandemic learning experiences. Students who would like to opt-out of this requirement can do so using this form. Please note, current grade 10 students will receive one eLearning credit due to their experiences with pandemic learning, and current grade 11 and 12 students are exempted from the requirement and do not need to complete the opt-out form. Frequently asked questions about the mandatory eLearning requirement and the opt-out process are available on the OCDSB website.
Please click this link to view the list of College and University presentations and dates.
Looking for a tutor? RISE Academy has you covered. Book a tutoring session.
Virtual After-School Tutoring Program
Starting on Oct. 4th, the OCDSB is offering a free virtual after school tutoring program for students in Grades 7-12. See links below for more information:
Flyer link: Virtual Tutoring Flyer
Website: Continuing Education - Literacy Numeracy Support Programs
Orleans Homework Club
Hello, My name’s Diego Argáez, I work at the Orleans branch of the Ottawa Public Library on 1705 Orleans Blvd.
At the beginning of this October 2023 we started offering a free walk-in program for bilingual homework help to kids in grades 1 through 10.
Participants can bring any homework or material pertaining to a school project and receive some extra help from our United for Literacy (previously knows as Frontier College) partner volunteers.
For any students interested in knowing more about the International Certificate Program, please access the following links and/or contact either Ms. Robinson-Sisk or Mr. Wolfe.
- new promo video
- a slide deck with details about the program
- a document with the enrolment form and all the links
Ms. Robinson-Sisk: anne-marie.robinson-sisk@
Mr. Wolfe:
One-on-one professional mentoring in STEM. Please see this attached poster for more details.
Has the pandemic affected your grade 12 average? We know that grades don’t always tell the whole story! Find out how Carleton University’s Enriched Support Program (ESP) and Indigenous Enriched Support Program (IESP) can help you achieve your goals. ESP/IESP give you the opportunity to:
- Start first-year university studies
- Earn admission to a degree program (pathways include: Arts and Social Sciences, Business, Computer Science, Engineering, Science and more!
- Build excellent academic skills and habits
- Benefit from support during your transition to university
If you’d like to learn more information on our programs, you can book a one-on-one visit with one of our Student Ambassadors here:
Erik Franz is our AC recruiter and here to help you. Please click the following link to watch his welcome video.
Create your own AC Viewbook: http://customviewbook.algonquincolleg..
Attend a Virtual Event:
Book a Meeting/Presentation:
Algonquin College is conducting presentations to students every Tuesday to Thursday starting at 3:30pm. These presentations pertain to programming and information pertaining to college applications and the admissions process. In addition, students can book appointments with college recruiters to ask questions and gather more information pertaining to their post-secondary aspirations. Please consult this link to learn more about the above opportunities and/or contact your guidance counsellor.